SOLD!!!!! Capos Gold – Thoroughbred Gelding by Capo Basotne

Capos Gold – Thoroughbred Gelding by Capo Basotne out of Indy's Goldmine by Indy King
Capo's Gold is a second generation breeding for us. He is the first foal out of Gary's favorite mare, Indy’s Gold Mine by Capo Bastone. Capo currently stand 16 hands and we expect he will grow a bit more. He is very personable and has three lovely gaits. I definitely see a performance career in his future. Currently being worked in the Round pen with a rider. The sky's the limit for this guy!! Please call 813-390-6730 for more information!!
Capo Gold's first time with saddle
Capos Gold walk 2017 TB Gelding by Capo Bastone
Capos Gold First Lunge Lesson - 2017 TB Gelding by Capo Bastone out of Indy's Goldmine